Children Books

I'm Mannerly Melanie, the brain behind these wild children's tales! I will take you on a rollercoaster ride through my world.

I came from a coastal town that practically begged kids to go outside and get into all sorts of mischief. Those summer days spent with my buddies sparked the fireworks of my imagination. We were like the pint-sized Pirates, fighting imaginary dragons and hunting for buried treasure (spoiler alert: we never found any).

brown roof buildings near sea ocean taken at daytime
brown roof buildings near sea ocean taken at daytime

Fast forward a bit, and I've got a degree in preschool education. I've spent enough time with little tikes to understand their quirks and wild imaginations. It's like being a mind reader. Sometimes, I try to convince a little one that broccoli isn't a miniature tree or that carrots won't give them night vision. And when it comes to bedtime: "Just five more minutes, pleeease!" is a classic everyday saga.

group of people wearing white and orange backpacks walking on gray concrete pavement during daytime
group of people wearing white and orange backpacks walking on gray concrete pavement during daytime

Now, let's talk about my writing. My books aren't your average bedtime stories. Nope, I'm all about delivering life lessons. Why give kids just a tale when you can engage them in learning?

When I learned to read, I realized books were my jam. I devoured everything on the library shelves. From Herman Hesse to Gabriel García Márquez, these authors opened up new worlds for me. It's like they handed me a backstage pass to the new universe.

My best ideas hit me at the strangest times. Like, once I had a eureka moment mid-toothbrushing. My stories flow out, much like that toothpaste I tried to put back in the tube.

In my downtime, I live in a world of my creation. It's my playground for creativity, where I can tweak reality like a mad scientist. If only I had the wisdom I do now when I was younger...and maybe my parents too. So, why not share that knowledge with you fine folks?

photo of brown wooden bookshelf
photo of brown wooden bookshelf

Oh, and here's a kicker. I once backpacked across the entire Indian subcontinent, all by my lonesome for a few months. Yep, no GPS, no map – just me, myself, and the occasional helpful cow. It extended my mind and made me realize that ignorance is the root of all suffering, whether it's a lack of worldly knowledge or not knowing how to ask for directions.

So, let's go on this wild literary ride together. My stories are like entertaining park rides for young readers' minds, with a sprinkle of wisdom on top. Grab a copy and learn a thing or two because life's too short to be serious all the time.

boats parked near buildings
boats parked near buildings